Media Archive

Browse a chronology of video journalism from David Tereshchuk below.

Missing Migrant Project

PBS | 2014

Outside of New York and Los Angeles, the nation’s largest number of unidentified human remains are found in Pima County, Arizona, near the Mexico border. Increasing border security has driven some would-be immigrants into the harsh elements of the Sonora Desert. Anthropologist Robin Reineke cofounded the Colibri Center for Human Rights to investigate missing person reports and forensically identify the human remains of migrants for their loved ones.

Faces of Hate: Inside the KKK

CBS | 1999

Correspondent and media critic David Tereshchuk spent a summer with Ku Klux Klansmen in the Mid-West, making 'Faces of Hate: Inside the KKK'. The documentary explores the modern Klan and its questionable claims to have renounced racism and violence.

CONTENT WARNING: Contains offensive language.

Teen Elephants Gone Wild

New York Times TV & National Geographic

Documentarian and media critic David Tereshchuk wrote and produced this mini-documentary about troubled teenaged elephants who mystifyingly go on violent rampages. The solution to the mystery, once discovered, demonstrates the importance of elephants' socialization.